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Monasteries of Serbian Orthodox Church

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Monastery Lepavina, Serbian Orthodox Church
Serbian Orthodox Church (Balkans, Croatia). Official website
Brief historical review of the Monastery Lepavina. News and articles on various topics in English.
Mirrors and alternative site versions:,
Site languages: Русский, English, Deutsch, Français, Ελληνικά, Српски   Referrals: +8/-9
Added: 31.05.2004, updated: 15.08.2017
Categories: Monasteries of Serbian Orthodox Church
See also: Dioceses of Serbian Orthodox Church, Sermons, Miracles, Questions and Answers, Foundations of the Orthodox Faith, Saints, Electronic Libraries, Magazines, Orthodox Faith, Serbian Orthodox Church
Rating system: 57 (#7)
Page status:
The Entrance of the Mother of God Into the Temple Milkov Monastery

Serbian Orthodox Church (Balkans, Serbia and Montenegro). Official website
Situated on the right bank of Velika Morava, along with seven other monasteries which constitute Resava’s “Holy Mountain”. History, archimandrite, photo gallery, donations.
Site languages: Русский, English, Deutsch, Français, Italiano, Ελληνικά, Српски   Referrals: +0/-32
Added: 06.01.2011, updated: 11.09.2018
Categories: Monasteries of Serbian Orthodox Church
See also: Miracles, Revered Icons, Orthodox Faith
Rating system: 32 (#17)
Page status:
St. Paisius Orthodox Monastery, Safford, AZ
Serbian Orthodox Church (North America, USA). Official website
Women’s monastery of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Visitor information. Bookstore: books, publications, CDs, tapes, icons, cards, prayer ropes. Building projects.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-5
Added: 27.11.2004, updated: 16.06.2013
Categories: Monasteries of Serbian Orthodox Church
See also: CD and Cassette Recordings, Sales of Icons, Liturgical Vestments and Mass Utensils, Bookstores, Shops
Rating system: -
Page status:
Holy Archangel Michael and All Angels Skete, Weatherby, MO
Serbian Orthodox Church (North America, USA). Official website
Events, contacts, donations, calendar, schedule, photos, and directions.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-5
Added: 29.12.2016
Categories: Monasteries of Serbian Orthodox Church
Rating system: -
Page status:
Draganac Monastery. Orthodox Monastic Life in Kosovo
Serbian Orthodox Church (Balkans, Serbia and Montenegro). Official website
History, videos, incense, online store and contacts.
Site languages: Русский, English, Français, Ελληνικά, Српски, Македонски   Referrals: +0/-5
Added: 16.07.2018, updated: 18.07.2018
Categories: Monasteries of Serbian Orthodox Church
See also: Sales of Icons, Liturgical Vestments and Mass Utensils, E-Shops
Rating system: -
Page status:
Nativity of the Mother of God Monastery, New Carlisle, IN
Serbian Orthodox Church (North America, USA). Official website
History, gallery, contacts, and donations.
Site languages: English, Српски   Referrals: +0/-4
Added: 17.08.2016
Categories: Monasteries of Serbian Orthodox Church
Rating system: -
Page status:
Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos Monastery, Tvrdoš

Serbian Orthodox Church (Balkans, Bosnia and Herzegovina). Official website
History, news, activities, recipes, photo gallery and contact.
Site languages: Русский, English, Српски   Referrals: +0/-3
Added: 17.02.2011, updated: 15.09.2018
Categories: Monasteries of Serbian Orthodox Church
Rating system: -
Page status:
Chilandar Monastery. The Holy Mountain of Athos
Serbian Orthodox Church (Balkans, Greece). Official website
History and today of the Chilandar serbian orthodox monastery on the Holy Mountain of Athos. Sv. Sava. Icons, frescoes, scripts, miniatures, embroideries, publishing. Bells of Chilandar monastery.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-2
Added: 24.04.2004, updated: 07.09.2018
Categories: Monasteries of Serbian Orthodox Church
See also: Sound Files, Monasteries of Ecumenical Patriarchate, Chimes
Rating system: -
Page status:
Bešenovo Monastery

Serbian Orthodox Church (Balkans, Serbia and Montenegro). Official website
The Bešenovo Monastery was a Serb Orthodox monastery on the Fruška Gora mountain in the northern Serbian province of Vojvodina. It was located by the Čikoš stream, in the area of the Bešenovački Prnjavor village. During the World War II, monastery was destroyed in bombing, and it hasn't been rebuilt since.
Site languages: Русский, English, Српски   Referrals: +0/-2
Added: 22.11.2013, updated: 29.06.2018
Categories: Monasteries of Serbian Orthodox Church
Rating system: -
Page status:
Ćelija Piperska Monastery
Serbian Orthodox Church (Balkans, Serbia and Montenegro). Official website
History, publishing, products, media, gallery and contacts.
Site languages: English, Српски   Referrals: +0/-2
Added: 02.07.2016, updated: 04.07.2018
Categories: Monasteries of Serbian Orthodox Church
See also: Publishing and Printing Houses
Rating system: -
Page status:
Monastery Podmaine, Budva

Serbian Orthodox Church (Balkans, Serbia and Montenegro). Official website
Background information about the monastery, history, news, publications and links.
Site languages: English, Српски   Referrals: +0/-1
Added: 22.03.2010, updated: 29.06.2018
Categories: Monasteries of Serbian Orthodox Church
See also: Sermons, Radio Stations and Programs, Publishing and Printing Houses
Rating system: -
Page status:
Holy Žiča. Monastery and Imperial Lavra
Serbian Orthodox Church (Balkans, Serbia and Montenegro). Official website
History, architecture, painting, monkhood, library, icons, publishing, services, bibliography, and treasure.
Site languages: English, Српски   Referrals: +0/-1
Added: 01.07.2004, updated: 15.05.2018
Categories: Monasteries of Serbian Orthodox Church
See also: Icon Painting Shops
Rating system: -
Page status:
Banjska Monastery in Kosovo and Metohija
Serbian Orthodox Church (Balkans, Serbia and Montenegro). Official website
History and restoration of Banjska Monastery.
Site languages: English, Српски   Referrals: +0/-1
Added: 20.10.2005, updated: 07.02.2018
Categories: Monasteries of Serbian Orthodox Church
See also: Ascetics and Hermits
Rating system: -
Page status:
Holy Archagels’ Monastery near Prizren, Kosovo and Metohija
Serbian Orthodox Church (Balkans, Serbia and Montenegro). Official website
“You showed me the church of Yours as the source of health”, Dusan’s gift charter. Full reconstruction was interrupted. In June 1999 a monk from the monastery, Fr. Chariton, was abducted. Now – a spiritual center gathering the remaining Orthodox people from Prizren and around.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-1
Added: 15.02.2008, updated: 31.03.2017
Categories: Monasteries of Serbian Orthodox Church
Rating system: -
Page status:
St. Luke’s Serbian Orthodox Mission, Etobicoke, Ontario
Serbian Orthodox Church (North America, Canada). Official website
The Missionary, an Orthodox periodical. Reading room, мedieval chants, radio, Chilandar & other monasteries, parishes, icons, prayers, iconography, fasting cookbook, and links.
Site languages: English, Српски   Referrals: +0/-4
Added: 16.05.2004, updated: 10.07.2018
Categories: Missionary Work, Brotherhoods, Sisterhoods, Religious Organizations
See also: Sound Files, Choral Music, Chants, Parishes of Serbian Orthodox Church, Monasteries of Serbian Orthodox Church, Orthodox Cuisine, Texts of Choral Hymns, Musical Collections, Magazines, Serbian Orthodox Church
Rating system: -
Page status:
Serbian Orthodox Church in Australia and New Zealand
Serbian Orthodox Church (Australia and New Zealand, Australia). Private site
An official web site of New Gracanica Metropolia for Australia and New Zealand and Diocese of Australia and New Zealand of Serbian Orthodox Church. News and events. Churches and monasteries. Orthodox calendar. Prayers. Serbian Orthodox Church in Australia.
Site languages: English, Српски   Referrals: +0/-4
Added: 10.08.2004, updated: 25.10.2018
Categories: Dioceses of Serbian Orthodox Church, Serbian Orthodox Church
See also: Parishes of Serbian Orthodox Church, Monasteries of Serbian Orthodox Church, Cleric Schools and Courses, Orthodoxy around the World
Rating system: -
Page status:
Saint Herman Press. The Publishing House of the St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, Platina, CA
Serbian Orthodox Church (North America, USA). Official website
Founded with the blessing of St. John (Maximovitch) of Shanghai and San-Francisco. Currently belongs to the Western American Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church. “The Orthodox Word” bi-monthly magazine. Catalog of publications, on-line ordering.
Mirrors and alternative site versions:,
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-4
Added: 29.05.2003, updated: 14.02.2014
Categories: Publishing and Printing Houses
See also: Monasteries of Serbian Orthodox Church, Missionary Work, Bookstores, Brotherhoods, Sisterhoods, Religious Organizations
Rating system: -
Page status:
Friends of Dečani Association
Serbian Orthodox Church (South-Western Europe, Italy). Official website
Supports, promotes and provides information about cultural and humanitarian activities of the Visoki Dečani Monastery. News, activities, projects, history, life stories, gallery, aid travel, spirituality, mission & direction, contact, credits.
Site languages: English, Italiano, Српски   Referrals: +0/-3
Added: 09.04.2014
Categories: Foundations, Charities, Non-profit Organizations
See also: Serbian Calvary, Urban and Rural Lands of Serbia and Montenegro, Monasteries of Serbian Orthodox Church, Charity, Mercy, Pilgrimage, Travel, Serbia and Montenegro, Organizations
Rating system: -
Page status:
Hvosno. The Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija

Serbian Orthodox Church (Balkans, Serbia and Montenegro). Official website
The publication of the St. Sava Cultural Center. Culture, Serb returns and restoration of Serbian heritage.
Site languages: English, Српски   Referrals: +0/-3
Added: 22.02.2005, updated: 18.07.2018
Categories: Serbian Calvary, Urban and Rural Lands of Serbia and Montenegro, Magazines
See also: Parishes of Serbian Orthodox Church, Monasteries of Serbian Orthodox Church, Restoration of Churches and Monasteries, Church and State, Politics, Serbia and Montenegro, Serbian Orthodox Church
Rating system: -
Page status:
Saint Nicholas Church, Hamilton, ON
Serbian Orthodox Church (North America, Canada). Official website
Bishop, parish priest, church photos, Orthodox catechism, ministries, bookstore, and contacts.
Mirrors and alternative site versions:
Site languages: English, Српски   Referrals: +0/-2
Added: 21.07.2004, updated: 21.02.2019
Categories: Parishes of Serbian Orthodox Church
See also: Monasteries of Serbian Orthodox Church, Calendars, Names, Foundations of the Orthodox Faith, Orthodox Faith, Serbian Orthodox Church
Rating system: -
Page status:
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