Orthodox Christianity:  Culture, Art and Science:  Music:  

Orthodox Church Music and singings

Subcategories:  Old chants (10)
See also:  Precentor and Choral Schools (8)Liturgy (75)Chimes (4)Orthodox Church Music and Singing (4)Choral Music, Chants (37)

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Editions Saints Anargyres
Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople (Western Europe, Belgium). Private site
Traduction et édition de textes liturgiques en français adaptés aux mélodies byzantines.
Site language: Français   Referrals: +0/-0
Added: 30.12.2006, updated: 06.01.2014
Categories: Orthodox Church Music and singings, Publishing and Printing Houses, Liturgy
Rating system: -
Page status:

    See also:
Deutsches orthodoxes Dreifaltigkeitskloster, Buchhagen
Bulgarian Orthodox Church (Western Europe, Germany). Official website
Orthodoxie, deutschsprachige Orthodoxie, Rundgang durch das Kloster, Architektur, Mönchtum, Leben im Kloster, Liturgische Arbeit, Gottesdienste, Deutscher Choral, Veröffentlichungen, Veranstaltungen.
Site language: Deutsch   Referrals: +0/-17
Added: 06.09.2004, updated: 08.08.2014
Categories: Monasteries of Bulgarian Orthodox Church
See also: Orthodox Church Music and singings, Orthodoxy around the World, Foundations of the Orthodox Faith
Rating system: -
Page status:
Vie des saints de Géorgie
Russian Orthodox Church outside of Russia (ROCOR) (Western Europe, Switzerland). Private site
Courtes biographies des saints orthodoxes de la Terre de Géorgie. Chant liturgique géorgien.
Site language: Français   Referrals: +1/-1
Added: 18.09.2012, updated: 18.06.2014
Categories: Saints
See also: Orthodox Church Music and singings, Georgian Orthodox Church
Rating system: -
Page status:
Serbisch-Orthodoxe Kirchengemeinde der Heiligen Vasilije von Ostrov, Linz
Serbian Orthodox Church (Western Europe, Austria). Official website
Der kurze Überblick der Geschichte der Serbisch-Orthodoxen Kirche. Schutzpatron. Religionsunterricht. Neuigkeiten.
Site languages: Deutsch, Српски   Referrals: +0/-3
Added: 30.07.2004, updated: 24.07.2014
Categories: Parishes of Serbian Orthodox Church
See also: Serbian Slavas (Family Saints), Sound Files, Orthodox Church Music and singings, Orthodoxy around the World, Prayers, Prayer Collections, Publishing and Printing Houses
Rating system: -
Page status:
Eglise Saint Basile de Césarée, Nantes
Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople (Western Europe, France). Official website
Histoire de la paroisse de l’Archevéché orthodoxe des églises d’origine russe en Europe occidentale. Actualités, horaires des offices. La construction d’une chapelle et d’une salle paroissiale. Chant liturgique : quelques partitions de chants liturgiques orthodoxes, mélodies de tradition russe, en grand format pour chanter en chœur.
Site language: Français   Referrals: +0/-1
Added: 06.06.2004, updated: 10.08.2014
Categories: Parishes of Ecumenical Patriarchate
See also: Orthodox Church Music and singings, Musical Scores
Rating system: -
Page status:
Chant liturgique orthodoxe. Yahoo! Groupe
Assembly of Orthodox Bishops of France (Western Europe, France). Unofficial website
Groupe de discussion, d’information, et de ressources (partitions) sur tout ce qui concerne le chant liturgique orthodoxe.
Mirrors and alternative site versions:
Site language: Français   Referrals: +0/-1
Added: 14.08.2004, updated: 21.04.2016
Categories: Discussion Boards
See also: Orthodox Church Music and singings, Liturgy, Newsgroups, Fido, Orthodox Inter-Communication
Rating system: -
Page status:
Religious Byzantine Music
Orthodox Church of Greece (Balkans, Greece). Private site
Attention! The site contains an unmoderated text or banner ads (See also: Orthodox Web Hosting)
A personal encounter with the religious Orthodox chant. A short introduction to its theory and rules.
Mirrors and alternative site versions:
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-0
Added: 10.03.2014, updated: 04.12.2014
Categories: Orthodox Church Music and singings
See also: CD and Cassette Recordings
Rating system: -
Page status: Sharing the Historic Orthodox Faith

Patriarchate of Antioch (North America, USA). Private site
Attention! The site contains an unmoderated text or banner ads (See also: Orthodox Web Hosting)
Resources for the Orthodox Christian: music, video, radio programming, printable tracts, and lots of links. The ACORN Radio Programming features audios on Worship, Spirituality, History and Contemporary issues. Search our Video of the Day library of over 350 Searchable Orthodox Videos.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-4
Added: 10.09.2004, updated: 08.03.2014
Categories: Missionary Work, Musical Collections, Orthodox Web Portals
See also: Sound Files, Orthodox Church Music and singings, Radio Stations and Programs, Foundations of the Orthodox Faith, Liturgy, Film, Video, Saints, Electronic Libraries, Music, Orthodox Faith
Rating system: -
Page status:
Ustav. Orthodox Typicon and Liturgical Music Yahoo Group
Russian Orthodox Church outside of Russia (ROCOR) (North America, USA). Official website
Attention! The site contains an unmoderated text or banner ads (See also: Orthodox Web Hosting)
"Ustav" facilitates email discussion, questions, commentary and teaching concerning the traditional Orthodox Christian typicon and music. The list is for traditional Orthodox Christians who love the church and it's typicon, and want to learn more about it, and help others to learn about it, or anyone who wishes to learn about the beauty and theological profundity of Orthodox Christian worship and music.
Mirrors and alternative site versions:
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-0
Added: 22.02.2006, updated: 18.03.2014
Categories: Liturgy, Newsgroups, Fido
See also: Orthodox Church Music and singings
Rating system: -
Page status:
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