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Simply Orthodox. Blog of an Eastern Orthodox Christian
Orthodox Church of Greece (Balkans, Greece). Private site
This is the blog of an Eastern Orthodox Christian girl from Greece. Here you can find interesting texts and quotes about Orthodoxy. The author made this blog because she would like everyone to discover the Orthodox Christianity.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-4
Added: 31.10.2018, updated: 01.11.2018
Categories: Webpages by Lay People, Discussion Boards
See also: Sermons, Foundations of the Orthodox Faith, Orthodox Faith
Rating system: -
Page status:
Discipulus Simplex, by Dragos Mirsanu. A blog relating history and theology
Romanian Orthodox Church (Balkans, Romania). Private site
This is a personal blog that discusses the churchly and academic life and other current events from an Orthodox perspective and especially from the perspective of the study of historical theology and patristics.
Site languages: English, Românã   Referrals: +0/-3
Added: 07.02.2014, updated: 19.11.2016
Categories: Webpages by Lay People, Discussion Boards
See also: Church History, Theology, Holy Fathers Heritage, Orthodox Faith
Rating system: -
Page status:
Euphrosynos Cafe. Discussion Forum

Russian Orthodox Church outside of Russia (ROCOR) (North America, USA). Private site
Forum, portal, information about Saint Euphrosynos, and links.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-33
Added: 14.05.2005, updated: 03.04.2019
Categories: Orthodox Inter-Communication
See also: Discussion Boards, Electronic Libraries, Russian Orthodox Church outside of Russia (ROCOR)
Rating system: 33 (#16)
Page status:
Rev. Priest Andrey Kovalev
Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarchal Parishes in the USA (North America, USA). Private site
A personal web page of a Russian Orthodox priest Andrey Kovalev who serves at the St. Nicholas Patriarchal Cathedral in San Francisco, CA.
Site languages: Русский, English   Referrals: +0/-18
Added: 08.10.2007, updated: 15.07.2010
Categories: Webpages by Priests
See also: Discussion Boards, World Countries
Rating system: 18 (#103)
Page status:
Orthodox Christian Fellowship at the University of New South Wales, Sydney
Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople (Australia and New Zealand, Australia). Official website
This blog was created for the spiritual enhancement of members of the Fellowship of Orthodox Christian University Students (F.O.C.U.S) at the University of New South Wales. It will allow members and fellow Orthodox Christians around the world to share their experiences of the Orthodox faith.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-12
Added: 11.03.2013, updated: 04.01.2014
Categories: Orthodox Educational Fellowships
See also: Youth and Orthodoxy, Discussion Boards
Rating system: 12 (#404)
Page status:
Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco Church, Jacksonville, FL
Serbian Orthodox Church (North America, USA). Official website
Sanctuary, live of St. John, schedule, parish life, news, donations, photo, forum, and video.
Site languages: Русский, English   Referrals: +0/-11
Added: 03.12.2014, updated: 05.06.2018
Categories: Parishes of Serbian Orthodox Church
See also: Analytical Materials, Discussion Boards
Rating system: 11 (#465)
Page status:
Klaipėda Deanery
Orthodox Church of Lithuania, Diocese of Lithuania (Baltics, Lithuania). Official website
News and events of the deanery.
Mirrors and alternative site versions:
Site languages: Русский, English, Lietuviškai   Referrals: +0/-11
Added: 06.08.2014, updated: 28.06.2017
Categories: Deaneries
See also: Discussion Boards, Magazines, Former USSR Countries
Rating system: 11 (#474)
Page status:
Glory to God for All Things. Webpage of Fr. Stephen Freeman
Orthodox Church in America (North America, USA). Private site
The topics covered by the blog include: saints and tradition, Church, prayer, journey of Faith, mystical theology, Scripture, doctrine, culture, aesthetics.
Mirrors and alternative site versions:
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-8
Added: 19.01.2013, updated: 02.11.2015
Categories: Sermons, Foundations of the Orthodox Faith, Webpages by Priests
See also: Discussion Boards, Orthodox Faith
Rating system: 8 (#943)
Page status:
Church of Saint Tsar Nicholas II the Passion-Bearer, Nikolskoye

Russian Orthodox Church, Гатчинская епархия (North West, Russia). Official website
The church was constructed in 1998-2000 by architect G.M. Kulakova. News, events, photos and contact information.
Site languages: Русский, English   Referrals: +0/-3
Added: 25.03.2015, updated: 26.12.2018
Categories: Parishes in Russia by Diocese
See also: Sound Files, Holidays, Sermons, Film, Video, Discussion Boards
Rating system: -
Page status:
Forum de discussion sur l’Orthodoxie
Assembly of Orthodox Bishops of France (Western Europe, France). Unofficial website
Echanges sur l’Orthodoxie en France. Les thémes: quand la “France” était orthodoxe; présentation de l’Orthodoxie; synaxaire des Saints; livres et textes; lieux de culte orthodoxes en France; evénements.
Mirrors and alternative site versions:
Site language: Français   Referrals: +0/-306
Added: 03.04.2004, updated: 29.12.2011
Categories: Calendars, Names, Discussion Boards
See also: Orthodoxy around the World
Rating system: -
Page status:
Parlons d'orthodoxie
Russian Orthodox Church, Diocese of Korsun (Western Europe, France). Unofficial website
Ce lieu de réflexion et d'échanges sur l'actualité chrétienne est initié par des fidèles orthodoxes vivant en France. Les contributions qui y sont publiées n'expriment la position officielle ni de l'Église orthodoxe russe ni du diocèse de Chersonèse. L'objectif de cette plateforme est de partager des informations sur la vie des orthodoxes en France, en Russie et dans le monde, d'échanger des réactions sans aucune polémique.
Site language: Français   Referrals: +0/-72
Added: 09.09.2010, updated: 20.02.2013
Categories: Discussion Boards, News
Rating system: -
Page status:
Brief an die Orthodoxie. Christlich-orthodoxes Forum im deutschsprachigen Raum

Serbian Orthodox Church (Western Europe, Germany). Private site
Briefwechsel über die Orthodoxie im deutschsprachigen Raum. Hier geht es darum, dass die Teilnehmer die christliche Orthodoxie kennenlernen und vertiefen können. Dazu werden in deutscher Sprache Informationen per Email (Mailinglist) ausgetauscht und das orthodoxe Glaubensgut gepflegt.
Site language: Deutsch   Referrals: +0/-7
Added: 24.07.2006, updated: 30.09.2018
Categories: Discussion Boards
Rating system: -
Page status:
Association de Jeunes « Nepsis ». Yahoo! Groupe
Romanian Orthodox Church (Western Europe, France). Official website
Groupe informe sur les activités de l’association de jeunes « Nepsis ».
Mirrors and alternative site versions:
Site language: Français   Referrals: +0/-7
Added: 31.10.2004, updated: 30.11.2018
Categories: Newsgroups, Fido, Discussion Boards, Youth Organizations, Orthodox Inter-Communication
Rating system: -
Page status:
Orthodoxes du Sud-Est. Yahoo! Groupe
Assembly of Orthodox Bishops of France (Western Europe, France). Official website
Echange d’informations sur les manifestations, rencontres et activités des paroisses des différentes juridictions canoniques présentes dans le Sud Est de la France, de Montpellier à Nice.
Mirrors and alternative site versions:
Site language: Français   Referrals: +0/-7
Added: 05.11.2004, updated: 08.03.2017
Categories: Newsgroups, Fido, Discussion Boards
See also: Assembly of Orthodox Bishops of France, Church Life, Orthodox Inter-Communication
Rating system: -
Page status:
Orthodoxie. Yahoo! Groupe

Assembly of Orthodox Bishops of France (Western Europe, France). Private site
Groupe de discussion sur la vie des chrétiens orthodoxes en France et en Europe Occidentale. Modérateur : prêtre Jivko Panev.
Mirrors and alternative site versions:
Site language: Français   Referrals: +0/-6
Added: 08.04.2004, updated: 07.11.2015
Categories: Discussion Boards
See also: Newsgroups, Fido, Assembly of Orthodox Bishops of France, Orthodox Inter-Communication
Rating system: -
Page status:
Pour une vie orthodoxe

Assembly of Orthodox Bishops of France (Western Europe, France). Private site
Ce blog est consacré à la recherche d’un mode de vie orthodoxe et veut offrir aux francophones une invitation à entamer, poursuivre, enrichir et approfondir la vie spirituelle orthodoxe. Programme de vie orthodoxe quotidien. Les mystères. Le cycle liturgique. Apprivoiser les passions. L’ascèse orthodoxe. La prière du coeur. La fraternité spirituelle.
Site language: Français   Referrals: +0/-5
Added: 18.09.2011, updated: 04.01.2014
Categories: Foundations of the Orthodox Faith, Discussion Boards
See also: Sermons, Theology, Holy Fathers Heritage, Orthodox Faith
Rating system: -
Page status:
Mission Orhtodoxe
Russian Orthodox Church outside of Russia (ROCOR) (Western Europe, Switzerland). Private site
Le site Mission Orthodoxe offre des lecteurs francophones, hétérodoxes ou non-croyants, la possibilité d’un premier rencontre avec le message salutaire de l'Église et les invite à visiter une paroisse dans leur région.
Site language: Français   Referrals: +0/-5
Added: 02.09.2013, updated: 04.01.2014
Categories: Missionary Work, Webpages by Lay People, Discussion Boards
Rating system: -
Page status:
Page des paroisses de la Métropole orthodoxe roumaine d’Europe Occidentale et Méridionale
Romanian Orthodox Church (South-Western Europe, France). Unofficial website
Cette page à comme but de faciliter la communication entre les familles des clercs de la diocèse. Actualités, activités, enfants, paroles d’évêques, textes à méditer, librairie online.
Site languages: Français, Românã   Referrals: +0/-5
Added: 09.01.2011, updated: 04.03.2018
Categories: Parishes of Romanian Orthodox Church, Webpages by Priests, Discussion Boards
See also: Sermons, Bookstores, E-Shops
Rating system: -
Page status:
Ekklèsia. Un blog sur l’ecclésiologie orthodoxe
Russian Orthodox Church (Not associated with any particular region, Switzerland). Private site
Textes relatifs à l’ecclésiologie orthodoxe.
Site language: Français   Referrals: +0/-4
Added: 27.01.2010, updated: 15.04.2013
Categories: Foundations of the Orthodox Faith, Theology, Holy Fathers Heritage, Discussion Boards, Orthodox Faith
Rating system: -
Page status:
Romanian Orthodox Church (Western Europe, Switzerland). Private site
Présentations de textes théologiques sous formes d’aphorismes, extraits de diverses lectures de l’auteur du blog.
Site language: Français   Referrals: +0/-4
Added: 14.01.2010, updated: 25.01.2014
Categories: Discussion Boards
See also: Web Collections
Rating system: -
Page status:
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