Orthodox Christianity:  Church Life:  Organizations:  

Foundations, Charities

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The Metropolitanate of Moldavia and Bukovina of Romanian Orthodox Church
Romanian Orthodox Church (Balkans, Romania). Official website
Administrative structure including theological schools, cultural and missionary activity.
Site languages: English, Românã   Referrals: +0/-7
Added: 14.10.2004, updated: 12.11.2008
Categories: Dioceses of Romanian Orthodox Church, Romanian Orthodox Church
See also: Parishes of Romanian Orthodox Church, Monasteries of Romanian Orthodox Church, Missionary Work, Radio Stations and Programs, Mailing Lists, Diocesan Media, Magazines, Foundations, Charities, Non-profit Organizations, Orthodox Media, Organizations
Rating system: 7 (#586)
Page status:
Orthodox Missionary Fraternity
Orthodox Church of Greece (Balkans, Greece). Official website
Since 1963, the Fraternity is supporting Eastern Orthodox missionaries to spread the Gospel around the world. Because “the Church without Mission is a Church without a reason of existence”.
Site languages: English, Ελληνικά   Referrals: +0/-3
Added: 16.02.2011, updated: 15.03.2014
Categories: Missionary Work, Brotherhoods, Sisterhoods, Religious Organizations
See also: Magazines, Foundations, Charities, Organizations
Rating system: -
Page status:
YOCAMA. Young Orthodox Christian American Mission Adventures
Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople (North America, USA). Official website
Serving people living in poverty throughout America and providing opportunities to learn more about the Orthodox Christian Faith. FAQ, downloads, photo gallery, and contacts.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-3
Added: 16.12.2014
Categories: Missionary Work, Youth Organizations
See also: Foundations, Charities, Organizations
Rating system: -
Page status:
Good Shepherd. Australian Orthodox Mission, Clayton, Victoria
Patriarchate of Antioch (Australia and New Zealand, Australia). Official website
The Good Shepherd Australian Orthodox Mission provides Orthodox Church services in the English language every Sunday. It also actively participates in charity work both within Australia and overseas, especially in Africa.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-2
Added: 12.02.2006, updated: 08.03.2013
Categories: Parishes of Patriarchate of Antioch, Missionary Work
See also: Foundations, Charities
Rating system: -
Page status:
Precupetii Vechi Parish, All Saints Church, Bucharest
Romanian Orthodox Church (Eastern Europe, Romania). Official website
History of the parish. Projects. Social shelter. Photo. Map. Calendar. Contact information. Orthodox links.
Site languages: English, Românã   Referrals: +0/-2
Added: 04.04.2005, updated: 18.08.2012
Categories: Parishes of Romanian Orthodox Church
See also: Calendars, Names, Foundations, Charities, Brotherhoods, Sisterhoods, Religious Organizations, Organizations
Rating system: -
Page status:
Mnemosyne. Center for Protection of Heritage of Kosovo and Metohija

Serbian Orthodox Church (Balkans, Serbia and Montenegro). Official website
A nongovernmental, non-political and non-profit organization that brings together the active experts and cultural workers with experience in conservation of national heritage at Kosovo and Metohija, who are ready to contribute even in conditions far from the regular ones.
Site languages: English, Српски   Referrals: +0/-2
Added: 11.10.2012, updated: 04.01.2014
Categories: Non-profit Organizations
See also: Serbian Calvary, Urban and Rural Lands of Serbia and Montenegro, Foundations, Charities, Serbia and Montenegro, Organizations
Rating system: -
Page status:
St. John’s Community Care Ltd, Far North Queensland
Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople (Australia and New Zealand, Australia). Official website
An activity of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia. Provides aged care and disability support services. Mission statement, values, services, contacts, photo gallery, employment & volunteers, downloads, events, and links.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-1
Added: 01.07.2015
Categories: Organizations
See also: Charity, Mercy, Medicine, Foundations, Charities
Rating system: -
Page status:
Every Good and Perfect Gift. Inspiring Giving from an Orthodox Christian Perspective
Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople (North America, USA). Official website
The work of the Office of Parish Development of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, in association with the Department of Stewardship. This blog seeks to build a one-of-a-kind resource that will help individuals grow the spiritual practice of giving back in multiple ways and assist priests and parishes with spreading this message to our faithful.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-1
Added: 04.03.2015
Categories: Charity, Mercy
See also: Foundations, Charities
Rating system: -
Page status:
Council of Orthodox Christian Churches of Metropolitan Detroit
North America, USA). Official website
Promoting Orthodox Christianity through worship, fellowship, and charitable, educational and outreach programs. On this site you will find a directory of local Orthodox parishes, information about past activities and future plans, announcements, articles, photographs.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-0
Added: 21.11.2012, updated: 04.01.2014
Categories: Brotherhoods, Sisterhoods, Religious Organizations
See also: Foundations, Charities, Organizations
Rating system: -
Page status:
ACER-Russie. Aide sociale à la Russie
Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople (Western Europe, France). Official website
L’ACER-Russie apporte une aide matérielle et financière aux plus démunis: malades, handicapés orphelins, prisonniers, personnes âgées.
Mirrors and alternative site versions:
Site language: Français   Referrals: +0/-4
Added: 04.04.2004, updated: 08.12.2014
Categories: Charity, Mercy, Foundations, Charities
See also: Services to Prison Inmates
Rating system: -
Page status:
Mission orthodoxe Saint Stelian
Romanian Orthodox Church (Balkans, Romania). Official website
La mission soutiendra des prêtres, paroisses et monastères engagés dans les oeuvres sociales en Roumanie.
Site language: Français   Referrals: +0/-1
Added: 12.04.2008, updated: 12.04.2009
Categories: Missionary Work, Charity, Mercy, Foundations, Charities, Church and Society
Rating system: -
Page status:

    See also:
Serbisch-orthodoxe Kirchgemeinde Hl. Dreifaltigkeit, Zürich
Serbian Orthodox Church (Western Europe, Switzerland). Official website
Nachrichten, Organisation, Geschichte, Aktivitäten, Mitteilungen, Gottesdienstplan, Ikonengalerie, Bibliothek. Orthodoxie, Feiertage, Kirchenkalender, FAQ. Hilfswerk der Orthodoxen Christen in der Schweiz.
Site languages: Deutsch, Српски   Referrals: +0/-3
Added: 16.02.2006, updated: 31.12.2008
Categories: Parishes of Serbian Orthodox Church
See also: Holidays, Prayers, Prayer Collections, Calendars, Names, Questions and Answers, Foundations of the Orthodox Faith, Foundations, Charities, Orthodox Faith
Rating system: -
Page status:
Serbisch Orthodoxer Jugendverein Innsbruck – SPO(J)I

Serbian Orthodox Church (Western Europe, Austria). Official website
Eine unabhängige und gemeinnützige Nichtregierungsorganisation.
Site languages: Deutsch, Српски   Referrals: +0/-2
Added: 17.02.2011, updated: 03.09.2014
Categories: Youth Organizations, Brotherhoods, Sisterhoods, Religious Organizations
See also: Foundations, Charities, Organizations
Rating system: -
Page status:
Nemanja. Serben-Vereinigung Bielefeld

Serbian Orthodox Church (Western Europe, Germany). Official website
Aktuelles, Projekte, Aktivitäten, Geschichte, zum Entspannen und Nachdenken, Links.
Site languages: Deutsch, Српски   Referrals: +0/-1
Added: 05.08.2012, updated: 04.01.2014
Categories: Brotherhoods, Sisterhoods, Religious Organizations
See also: Sunday and Parish Schools, Charity, Mercy, Foundations, Charities, Non-profit Organizations, Organizations
Rating system: -
Page status:
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