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Orthodoxia. Ecclesiastical Items Guide

Orthodox Church of Greece (Balkans, Greece). Official website
Yearly edition promoting ecclesiastical handicrafts.
Site languages: English, Ελληνικά   Referrals: +0/-11
Added: 14.10.2016
Categories: Liturgical Vestments and Mass Utensils, Databases, Dictionaries, Information, Search, Sales of Icons, Liturgical Vestments and Mass Utensils
See also: Industrial Companies
Rating system: 11 (#638)
Page status:
Kentima. Byzantine Embroideries

Orthodox Church of Greece (Balkans, Greece). Official website
Vestments & church embroidery. Products, company, collection, video & contacts.
Site languages: English, Ελληνικά   Referrals: +0/-8
Added: 14.10.2016
Categories: Liturgical Vestments and Mass Utensils, Sales of Icons, Liturgical Vestments and Mass Utensils
Rating system: 8 (#950)
Page status:
Iosif. Ecclesiastical Embroidery, Crafts & Priest Vestments

Orthodox Church of Greece (Balkans, Greece). Official website
Vestments for bishops, clergy and deacons; gallons, church supplies, banners and epitaphs.
Site languages: English, Ελληνικά   Referrals: +0/-7
Added: 14.10.2016, updated: 13.02.2019
Categories: Liturgical Vestments and Mass Utensils, Sales of Icons, Liturgical Vestments and Mass Utensils
Rating system: 7 (#1015)
Page status:
Catalog of Good Deeds. Blog of the St. Elisabeth Convent

Byelorussian Exarchate, Diocese of Minsk (South-West, Belarus). Official website
The official blog of the Catalogue of St. Elisabeth Convent. The blog includes recent ministry updates of the convent, sermons, icons, personal stories and everything related to Orthodox Christianity.
Mirrors and alternative site versions:
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-29
Added: 11.10.2016, updated: 27.09.2018
Categories: Web Collections, Monasteries and Convents
See also: Sermons
Rating system: 29 (#75)
Page status:
St. Innocent’s Retreat Center, Franklin, NY

Russian Orthodox Church outside of Russia (ROCOR) (North America, USA). Official website
The Retreat Center provides a unique opportunity for one to three families to spend a weekend far from the hustle and bustle of city life in order to nurture their spiritual life. During their stay, both parents and their children will be able to actively participate in the divine services (as altar helpers, readers and singers) and learn the order of the divine services; get answers to questions about the Orthodox Faith; discuss any family problems that may arise in the Orthodox family.
Mirrors and alternative site versions:
Site languages: Русский, English   Referrals: +0/-13
Added: 04.10.2016, updated: 05.10.2018
Categories: ROCOR Parishes, Brotherhoods, Sisterhoods, Religious Organizations
See also: Children, Upbringing, Foundations of the Orthodox Faith
Rating system: 13 (#454)
Page status:
Orthodoxy: The Radical Middle. Blog of Fr. Paul Waisanen
Orthodox Church in America (North America, USA). Private site
Blog of Fr. Paul Waisanen, rector of St. Herman Church in Oxnard, CA.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-1
Added: 28.09.2016
Categories: Webpages by Priests
Rating system: -
Page status:
Orthodox School of Theology at Trinity College
Orthodox Church in America (North America, Canada). Official website
Master degrees, diplomas and certificates in Orthodox and Eastern Christian studies. Mission, vision, values, accreditation, governance, history, programmes, faculty, courses, admissions, student info, news & contacts.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-8
Added: 25.09.2016, updated: 26.09.2016
Categories: Orthodox Schools and Gymnasiums, Orthodox Universities and Colleges, Education
Rating system: 8 (#951)
Page status:
Vasilios Siderides Hieratics Jacquard LTD. Manufacturer of Ecclesiastical Fabrics
Orthodox Church of Greece (Balkans, Greece). Official website
Fabrics, vestments, galloons & trimmings. History, products, gallery & contacts.
Site languages: Русский, English, Ελληνικά, Български, Српски, Românã   Referrals: +0/-11
Added: 24.09.2016, updated: 09.12.2017
Categories: Liturgical Vestments and Mass Utensils, Sales of Icons, Liturgical Vestments and Mass Utensils
Rating system: 11 (#625)
Page status:
Holy Ascension Church, Marbella
Russian Orthodox Church, Diocese of Korsun (Western Europe, Spain). Official website
History, service schedule and contacts.
Site languages: Русский, English, Español   Referrals: +0/-6
Added: 10.09.2016, updated: 06.09.2018
Categories: World Countries
Rating system: 6 (#1195)
Page status:
Addiction Treament Center for Orthodox Christians

Patriarchate of Antioch (North America, USA). Official website
Resources about addictions, Contact information to reach Orthodox counselors.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-8
Added: 04.09.2016, updated: 01.09.2018
Categories: Medicine
Rating system: 8 (#904)
Page status:
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia Book Centre
Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople (Australia and New Zealand, Australia). Official website
Books, ecclesiastical items, icons, religious items and gifts, St. Andrews Orthodox Press, biannual journal, eBooks, Archbishop Stylianos’ poems, CD’s and DVDs, children’s books and apparel.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-5
Added: 28.08.2016, updated: 16.08.2018
Categories: Sales of Icons, Liturgical Vestments and Mass Utensils, Bookstores, Publishing and Printing Houses, Shops
Rating system: -
Page status:
Byzantine Ecclesiastical Music Research & Publications Centre, Athens
Orthodox Church of Greece (Balkans, Greece). Official website
The webpage presents the publishing and research activity of the Research and Publications Centre (KERE).
Site languages: English, Ελληνικά   Referrals: +0/-4
Added: 23.08.2016
Categories: Orthodox Church Music and singings
See also: CD and Cassette Recordings, Publishing and Printing Houses
Rating system: -
Page status:
Nativity of the Mother of God Monastery, New Carlisle, IN
Serbian Orthodox Church (North America, USA). Official website
History, gallery, contacts, and donations.
Site languages: English, Српски   Referrals: +0/-10
Added: 17.08.2016
Categories: Monasteries of Serbian Orthodox Church
Rating system: 10 (#734)
Page status:
Incognito Choir of St. Matthew Church, Ottawa, ON
Romanian Orthodox Church (North America, Canada). Official website
History, events, photo & video.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-2
Added: 09.08.2016, updated: 15.12.2017
Categories: Performers and Ensembles
See also: Choral Music, Chants
Rating system: -
Page status:
Resource Centre of Church Rehabilitation of Drug Addicts
Russian Orthodox Church, Кинешемская епархия (Central Russia, Russia). Official website
Articles, difficulties of care and spiritual aspects.
Site languages: Русский, English   Referrals: +0/-4
Added: 07.08.2016, updated: 30.09.2017
Categories: Foundations, Charities
See also: Diocesan departments, assemblies, committees, Sermons
Rating system: -
Page status:
All Saints Summer Camp, Shreveport, LA
Orthodox Church in America (North America, USA). Official website
Camp schedule, forms, administration, directions, contacts, social stream, pictures, video, & information about Orthodoxy.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-6
Added: 20.07.2016
Categories: Summer Camps for All Ages
Rating system: 6 (#1255)
Page status:
Saints Cyril & Athanasius of Alexandria Institute for Orthodox Studies, San Francisco
Russian Orthodox Church outside of Russia (ROCOR) (North America, USA). Official website
Mission & aims, ecclesiastical ethos, programs, development, administration, courses & activities, distance learning, study groups, conferences & symposia, pilgrimages, journals & publications, academic calendar, enrollment, applications, & contact.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-8
Added: 19.07.2016
Categories: Orthodox Universities and Colleges
Rating system: 8 (#952)
Page status:
Holy Nativity of the Lord Church, Shreveport, LA
Orthodox Church in America (North America, USA). Official website
About Orthodoxy & the Nativity of Christ, visiting, service schedule, driving directions, contact, administration, parish life, priest, mission support, & ministries.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-1
Added: 18.07.2016, updated: 19.07.2016
Categories: Parishes of Orthodox Church in America
Rating system: -
Page status:
Annapolis College Ministry
North America, USA). Official website
Consists of two chapters of the national Orthodox Christian Fellowship (U.S. Naval Academy and St. John’s College in Annapolis). History, mission, pastor, board of directors, photo gallery, and contacts.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-7
Added: 18.07.2016, updated: 30.06.2017
Categories: Orthodox Educational Fellowships, Youth Organizations
Rating system: 7 (#1086)
Page status:
Holy Apostles Church, Lansing, NY
Orthodox Church in America (North America, USA). Official website
Administration, events, news & sermons, about Orthodoxy, driving directions, service schedule, contact.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-1
Added: 17.07.2016, updated: 18.07.2016
Categories: Parishes of Orthodox Church in America
Rating system: -
Page status:
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