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Organizations in the USA

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Russian Orthodox Youth Committee, ROCOR

Russian Orthodox Church outside of Russia (ROCOR) (North America, USA). Official website
The mission of the ROYC is one of enlightenment. Its books, pamphlets and calendars are produced for educational purposes. Their content is chosen to promote popular interest in Russian Orthodoxy, its culture and philosophy, in Christian spiritual thought, and in sacred writings of the Holy Fathers of the Church – all to gain a deeper understanding of Orthodoxy and its place in Russian history and culture.
Site languages: Русский, English   Referrals: +0/-3
Added: 02.10.2010, updated: 09.01.2014
Categories: Diocesan departments, assemblies, committees, Youth Organizations
See also: Youth and Orthodoxy
Rating system: -
Page status:
St. Romanos the Melodist Society
Russian Orthodox Church outside of Russia (ROCOR) (North America, USA). Official website
Produces and publishes English language music of the Russian Orthodox Church.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-3
Added: 11.07.2005, updated: 10.02.2014
Categories: Orthodox Church Music and singings, Non-profit Organizations
See also: Publishing and Printing Houses, Musical Scores, Performers and Ensembles, Music
Rating system: -
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The Icon Fund. Orthodox Holy Lands Restoration
Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople (North America, USA). Official website
Provides iconography or icon restoration to historically significant churches. Grants for the maintenance, growth and preservation of iconography and liturgical arts. Looking for creative projects or programs that serve as catalysts for progress in the church and have a lasting impact. Focuses primarily on projects where traditional sources of funding are unavailable.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-3
Added: 07.01.2015
Categories: Restoration of Churches and Monasteries, Foundations, Charities
Rating system: -
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Youth Ministry, Direct Archdiocesan District
Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople (North America, USA). Official website
News, events, ministries, blog, and links.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-3
Added: 09.09.2015
Categories: Youth Organizations
See also: Youth and Orthodoxy
Rating system: -
Page status:
Orthodox Heritage. A Monthly Periodical
Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople (North America, USA). Official website
Orthodox Heritage is monthly Orthodox periodical published by the Greek Orthodox Brotherhood of St. Poimen. The periodical's emphasis is on Orthodox education, spirituality, sacramental living. This site provides articles and information, as published within some of our monthly issues.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-3
Added: 10.07.2005, updated: 25.04.2016
Categories: Newspapers, Brotherhoods, Sisterhoods, Religious Organizations
Rating system: -
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Friends of Mount Sinai Monastery
Autonomous Orthodox Church of Sinai (North America, USA). Official website
A not-for-profit charity founded in response to requests by many people desirous of financially supporting the work of St. Catherine’s Monastery. Supporting the daily operations, projects, and continued existence of the Monastery. Monastery overview, gallery, Sinai today, blogs, and donations.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-3
Added: 08.05.2015
Categories: Monasteries of Patriarchate of Jerusalem, Foundations, Charities
See also: Charity, Mercy
Rating system: -
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Paidea Classics. Orthodox Chocolates and Orthodox Homeschooling
Patriarchate of Antioch (North America, USA). Official website
Orthodox homeschooling family-run business. Focus on historical narratives, Great Books adapted for children, literature covering Early and Eastern Church history, and educational materials. Paschal, St. Nicholas, and Nativity chocolate coins available seasonally.
Mirrors and alternative site versions:
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-3
Added: 06.02.2007, updated: 04.11.2015
Categories: Bookstores, Children, Upbringing, Brotherhoods, Sisterhoods, Religious Organizations
See also: Textbooks, Orthodox Faith, E-Shops
Rating system: -
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Rossia Inc. Preserving Russian Orthodox Sacred Sites in Alaska

Orthodox Church in America (North America, USA). Official website
A non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of Alaska’s historic Russian Orthodox churches and the historic articles and furnishings therein. The website features Alaskan heritage, projects, board of directors, donations, contact info.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-2
Added: 17.01.2008, updated: 07.08.2013
Categories: Restoration of Churches and Monasteries, Brotherhoods, Sisterhoods, Religious Organizations
See also: Parishes of Orthodox Church in America, Orthodoxy around the World
Rating system: -
Page status:
Orthodox Christian Education Commission (OCEC)
Orthodox Church in America (North America, USA). Official website
An agency of the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in America. Founded in 1957. Aims to develop and publish educational material for and offers support services to Orthodox Christian Churches in North America.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-2
Added: 31.07.2004, updated: 01.12.2014
Categories: Education, Brotherhoods, Sisterhoods, Religious Organizations
See also: Sunday and Parish Schools, Orthodox Schools and Gymnasiums, Autocephalous Orthodox Churches
Rating system: -
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ACRY. National American Carpatho-Russian Youth Organization
Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople (North America, USA). Official website
National American-Carpatho Russian Youth Organization of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the U.S.A. Events, history, officers, chapters.
Mirrors and alternative site versions:
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-2
Added: 02.01.2007, updated: 15.10.2012
Categories: Youth Organizations
See also: Youth and Orthodoxy
Rating system: -
Page status:
Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America (FOCA), Wilkes-Barre, PA
Orthodox Church in America (North America, USA). Official website
Districts. OCJ online. President’s message. Conventions. Mission. History. Synod letter. Application. Scholarship. Updated by-laws.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-2
Added: 16.05.2005, updated: 19.01.2013
Categories: Non-profit Organizations
See also: Orthodox Church in America
Rating system: -
Page status:
Orthodox Christian Fellowship of Carnegie Mellon and the University of Pittsburgh
North America, USA). Official website
An organization open to all college students by which they can come together for fellowship, prayer, and service. Events, churches in the area, media, pictures, and contacts.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-2
Added: 11.07.2015
Categories: Orthodox Educational Fellowships, Youth Organizations
See also: Sound Files, Youth and Orthodoxy, Sermons
Rating system: -
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Archdiocesan Presbyters Council (APC)
Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople (North America, USA). Official website
The Archdiocesan Presbyters Council seeks to support, enhance, and promote the brotherhood of priests of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America on all levels of their diakonia, spiritual growth, and personal needs. Established in 1970.
Mirrors and alternative site versions:
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-2
Added: 25.04.2005, updated: 07.08.2013
Categories: Brotherhoods, Sisterhoods, Religious Organizations
See also: Dioceses of Ecumenical Patriarchate
Rating system: -
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Orthodox Christian Religious Foundation, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Russian Orthodox Church outside of Russia (ROCOR) (North America, USA). Official website
The source for Orthodox Christian web pages and links. Pro-life efforts. Oklahoma & Texas Orthodox links. Church Slavonic fonts.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-2
Added: 08.02.2007, updated: 21.01.2016
Categories: ROCOR Parishes, Foundations, Charities
Rating system: -
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Orthodox Christian Association of Medicine, Psychology & Religion (OCAMPR), Jacksonville, FL
North America, USA). Official website
A pan-Orthodox endorsed association under SCOBA (The Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in America). Constitution. Membership. Programs. Referrals. Information for contributors. Publications. Regional contacts. Links.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-2
Added: 26.04.2005, updated: 02.08.2011
Categories: Psychology, Medicine, Non-profit Organizations, Science
Rating system: -
Page status:
The Treehouse, Wichita, Kansas
North America, USA). Official website
The Treehouse is a charitable ministry designed to assist women who have chosen to carry their babies to term and give birth under difficult circumstances.
Mirrors and alternative site versions:
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-2
Added: 28.06.2005, updated: 09.08.2015
Categories: Charity, Mercy, Foundations, Charities
See also: Orthodox Woman, Medicine, Children, Upbringing, Family Life
Rating system: -
Page status:
Orthodox Christian Synergy. A Pan-Orthodox Ministry of Chicago
North America, USA). Official website
A pan-Orthodox organization consisting of clergy and lay representatives of Chicago-area Orthodox Christian parishes who seek to project awareness of Orthodox Christianity to the public at large. Learning more about the Orthodox Faith. Listing of Chicago-area churches.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-2
Added: 08.04.2011, updated: 01.05.2013
Categories: Brotherhoods, Sisterhoods, Religious Organizations
Rating system: -
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The Society of Saint Romanos
Orthodox Church in America (North America, USA). Official website
Dedicated to professional performance of Orthodox Church music. Russian, Greek, and Ukrainian musical traditions are included in the repertoire.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-2
Added: 16.05.2005, updated: 05.02.2013
Categories: Orthodox Church Music and singings, Non-profit Organizations
See also: Performers and Ensembles, Music
Rating system: -
Page status:
SOYO of the Diocese of Miami and the Southeast
Patriarchate of Antioch (North America, USA). Official website
News, pictures, projects, events, contacts, blog, links.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-2
Added: 01.03.2012, updated: 19.02.2017
Categories: Youth Organizations
Rating system: -
Page status:
Orthodox Christians for Life, Chicago
North America, USA). Official website
Contains Orthodox Christian resources regarding the sanctity of life and crisis pregnancy.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-2
Added: 09.04.2011, updated: 26.05.2013
Categories: Brotherhoods, Sisterhoods, Religious Organizations
See also: Medicine, Family Life
Rating system: -
Page status:
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