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In Serbian

See also:  Serbian Orthodox Church (146)

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Kosovo Peonies. The Life of Serbian Children in Kosovo and Metohija

Serbian Orthodox Church (Balkans, Serbia and Montenegro). Official website
Letters of 11 years old Jovana Radovanovic from Orahovac, a Serbian enclave in Kosovo and Metohija, about life and growing up on 300 metres of free territory.
Mirrors and alternative site versions:
Site languages: English, Српски   Referrals: +0/-3
Added: 01.06.2008, updated: 14.11.2019
Categories: Serbian Calvary
See also: Urban and Rural Lands of Serbia and Montenegro, Serbia and Montenegro
Rating system: -
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Ćelija Piperska Monastery
Serbian Orthodox Church (Balkans, Serbia and Montenegro). Official website
History, publishing, products, media, gallery and contacts.
Site languages: English, Српски   Referrals: +0/-3
Added: 02.07.2016, updated: 04.07.2018
Categories: Monasteries of Serbian Orthodox Church
See also: Publishing and Printing Houses
Rating system: -
Page status:
Vasilios Siderides Hieratics Jacquard LTD. Manufacturer of Ecclesiastical Fabrics
Orthodox Church of Greece (Balkans, Greece). Official website
Fabrics, vestments, galloons & trimmings. History, products, gallery & contacts.
Site languages: Русский, English, Ελληνικά, Български, Српски, Românã   Referrals: +0/-3
Added: 24.09.2016, updated: 09.12.2017
Categories: Liturgical Vestments and Mass Utensils, Sales of Icons, Liturgical Vestments and Mass Utensils
Rating system: -
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Svetigora Press. News Agency of Metropolitanate of Montenegro
Serbian Orthodox Church (Balkans, Serbia and Montenegro). Official website
News archivi of the Metropolitanate of Montenegro.
Site languages: English, Српски   Referrals: +0/-3
Added: 18.04.2009, updated: 24.10.2019
Categories: Publishing and Printing Houses, Diocesan Media, News, Orthodox Media
Rating system: -
Page status:

Annotation by an editor: Не ажурира се. Архива може да се претражује.

Prebilovci Village & Church
Serbian Orthodox Church (Balkans, Bosnia and Herzegovina). Unofficial website
News, photo, video and contacts.
Site languages: English, Српски   Referrals: +0/-3
Added: 18.11.2014, updated: 09.06.2020
Categories: Serbian Calvary, Urban and Rural Lands of Serbia and Montenegro, Restoration of Churches and Monasteries
See also: Parishes of Serbian Orthodox Church, Serbia and Montenegro
Rating system: -
Page status:
St. Nikolai of Serbia Church in Santiago
Serbian Orthodox Church (South America, Chili). Official website
Parish news, patron saint, priest, schedule of services and contacts.
Mirrors and alternative site versions:,
Site languages: Русский, English, Español, Српски   Referrals: +0/-3
Added: 15.04.2014, updated: 28.04.2020
Categories: Parishes of Serbian Orthodox Church
Rating system: -
Page status:
The Father. A Feature Film about Serbia’s Founding Fathers

Serbian Orthodox Church (Balkans, Serbia and Montenegro). Official website
The first Serbian feature film about Saint Sava and Saint Simeon the Myrrh-streaming. Screenplay, media centre, box office and contacts.
Site languages: Русский, English, Српски   Referrals: +0/-3
Added: 04.05.2014, updated: 14.02.2019
Categories: Film, Video
See also: Serbian Ideology and Patriotism, History, Culture, Art and Science
Rating system: -
Page status:
St. Savva Serbian Orthodox Church and School Congregation of Toronto

Serbian Orthodox Church (North America, Canada). Official website
Important information, history, priests, sisters, choir, folk, dance, and links.
Site languages: English, Српски   Referrals: +0/-3
Added: 29.04.2006, updated: 02.05.2020
Categories: Parishes of Serbian Orthodox Church
See also: Prayers, Prayer Collections
Rating system: -
Page status:
Banjska Monastery in Kosovo and Metohija
Serbian Orthodox Church (Balkans, Serbia and Montenegro). Official website
History and restoration of Banjska Monastery.
Site languages: English, Српски   Referrals: +0/-3
Added: 20.10.2005, updated: 08.01.2020
Categories: Monasteries of Serbian Orthodox Church
See also: Ascetics and Hermits
Rating system: -
Page status:
Jasenovac Comitee of the Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Ortodox Church
Serbian Orthodox Church (Balkans, Serbia and Montenegro). Official website
Website of the official Church committee for investigation of the Jasenovac genocide (1941-1945). Official information, news. archive, gallery, library, worship of the Holy New Martyrs, institutions, contact and links.
Site languages: English, Српски   Referrals: +0/-3
Added: 15.08.2005, updated: 24.09.2018
Categories: Serbian Calvary, Brotherhoods, Sisterhoods, Religious Organizations
See also: Liturgy, History, New Martyrs
Rating system: -
Page status:
Christ the Saviour Cathedral Church, Banja Luka

Serbian Orthodox Church (Balkans, Bosnia and Herzegovina). Official website
News, bishop, clergy, church and city history, associations, divine services schedule, photo gallery, multimedia, contact and links.
Site languages: English, Deutsch, Српски   Referrals: +0/-2
Added: 26.09.2014, updated: 30.06.2018
Categories: Parishes of Serbian Orthodox Church
Rating system: -
Page status:
Serbs for Serbs. Charity Organization

Serbian Orthodox Church (Balkans, Serbia and Montenegro). Official website
The mission of Charity organization Serbs for Serbs is to affect consciousness of Serbian people through project and humanitarian activities.
Mirrors and alternative site versions:
Site languages: English, Српски   Referrals: +0/-2
Added: 13.03.2007, updated: 06.03.2019
Categories: Foundations, Charities
See also: Children, Upbringing
Rating system: -
Page status:
Diocesis of Šabac
Serbian Orthodox Church (Balkans, Serbia and Montenegro). Official website
Bishop, clergy and contact information.
Mirrors and alternative site versions:
Site languages: English, Српски   Referrals: +0/-2
Added: 31.12.2008, updated: 01.08.2020
Categories: Dioceses of Serbian Orthodox Church
See also: Orthodox Cuisine
Rating system: -
Page status:
St. King Milutin Church for Auckland and Hamilton
Serbian Orthodox Church (Australia and New Zealand, New Zealand). Official website
Service schedule, parish newsletter, library, Serbian school blog, parish magazine, Serbian radio, sisterhood, fasting recipes, endowment, events, gallery, and contacts.
Site languages: English, Српски   Referrals: +0/-2
Added: 16.02.2005, updated: 01.08.2018
Categories: Parishes of Serbian Orthodox Church
See also: Sunday and Parish Schools, Foundations of the Orthodox Faith, Poetry, Brotherhoods, Sisterhoods, Religious Organizations
Rating system: -
Page status:
The Orthodox Icon. Site of Emilie van Taack
Serbian Orthodox Church (Western Europe, France). Official website
Site maintained by Emilie van Taack, a pupil of Leonid Uspensky in charge of an icon studio under the omophorion of Bishop Luka of Western Europe for the Serbian Patriarchate.
Mirrors and alternative site versions:
Site languages: Русский, English, Français, Српски   Referrals: +0/-2
Added: 02.04.2004, updated: 09.03.2020
Categories: Icon Painting Shops, Webpages by Lay People
Rating system: -
Page status:
Church Vestments, Bosilegrad

Serbian Orthodox Church (Balkans, Serbia and Montenegro). Official website
Cassock, Vestments, Epitrachelions, Sticharions, Shroud, Banners, Kamilavke and more.
Mirrors and alternative site versions:
Site languages: English, Српски   Referrals: +0/-2
Added: 28.03.2013, updated: 03.09.2018
Categories: Liturgical Vestments and Mass Utensils
See also: Sales of Icons, Liturgical Vestments and Mass Utensils
Rating system: -
Page status:
Opet&Opet. Artistic Union

Serbian Orthodox Church (Balkans, Serbia and Montenegro). Official website
Films and projects dedicated to Serbian history.
Site languages: English, Српски   Referrals: +0/-2
Added: 04.05.2014, updated: 17.11.2016
Categories: Non-profit Organizations
See also: Publishing and Printing Houses, Film, Video
Rating system: -
Page status:
Church of Saint John the Theologian in Bialystok
Orthodox Church of Poland (Eastern Europe, Poland). Official website
Brief history, service schedule, photo gallery, construction plans, contact details.
Site languages: Русский, English, Ελληνικά, Српски, Polski   Referrals: +0/-2
Added: 18.12.2012, updated: 23.05.2020
Categories: Parishes of Orthodox Church of Poland
See also: Publishing and Printing Houses, Youth Organizations
Rating system: -
Page status:
Serbian Orthodox Church in Australia and New Zealand
Serbian Orthodox Church (Australia and New Zealand, Australia). Private site
An official web site of New Gracanica Metropolia for Australia and New Zealand and Diocese of Australia and New Zealand of Serbian Orthodox Church. News and events. Churches and monasteries. Orthodox calendar. Prayers. Serbian Orthodox Church in Australia.
Site languages: English, Српски   Referrals: +0/-2
Added: 10.08.2004, updated: 25.10.2018
Categories: Dioceses of Serbian Orthodox Church, Serbian Orthodox Church
See also: Parishes of Serbian Orthodox Church, Monasteries of Serbian Orthodox Church, Cleric Schools and Courses, Orthodoxy around the World
Rating system: -
Page status:
St. Arsenije the Syrmian Orthodox Church, Whitby, Ontario
Serbian Orthodox Church (North America, Canada). Official website
News, worship, news, calendar, donations, ministries, history, links, contact, and location.
Site languages: English, Српски   Referrals: +0/-2
Added: 12.07.2011, updated: 05.11.2019
Categories: Parishes of Serbian Orthodox Church
See also: Performers and Ensembles
Rating system: -
Page status:
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