Orthodox Christianity:  Russian Orthodox Church:  Parishes:  

World Countries

Subcategories:  Diocese of Argentina and South America (1)Diocese of Berlin and Germany (2)Diocese of Vienna and Austria (0)Diocese of The Hague and The Netherlands (2)Diocese of Western Japan (0)Diocese of Korsun (5)Patriarchal Parishes in Canada (5)Patriarchal Parishes in the USA (25)Diocese of Sourozh (14)Diocese of Tokyo (0)
See also:  Parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia (156)

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Rev. Priest Andrey Kovalev
Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarchal Parishes in the USA (North America, USA). Private site
A personal web page of a Russian Orthodox priest Andrey Kovalev who serves at the St. Nicholas Patriarchal Cathedral in San Francisco, CA.
Site languages: Русский, English   Referrals: +0/-17
Added: 08.10.2007, updated: 15.07.2010
Categories: Webpages by Priests
See also: Discussion Boards, World Countries
Rating system: 17 (#105)
Page status:
English Language Orthodox Churches
Russian Orthodox Church (Western Europe, Great Britain). Private site
Search for nearby English Language Orthodox Churches with results shown on a map of the UK.
Site language: English   Referrals: +1/-10
Added: 24.08.2009, updated: 14.12.2012
Categories: Orthodoxy around the World, Databases, Dictionaries, Information, Search
See also: Parishes of Bulgarian Orthodox Church, Parishes of Romanian Orthodox Church, Parishes of Serbian Orthodox Church, Parishes of Patriarchate of Antioch, Parishes of Ecumenical Patriarchate, World Countries
Rating system: 16 (#135)
Page status:
Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem
Russian Orthodox Church, Russian Orthodox Jerusalem Mission (Middle East, Israel). Official website
Contacts and a list of churches and historical sites in the Holy Land.
Mirrors and alternative site versions:
Site languages: Русский, English   Referrals: +0/-14
Added: 29.02.2008, updated: 14.08.2018
Categories: Missionary Work, Orthodoxy around the World
See also: World Countries
Rating system: 14 (#195)
Page status:
Orthodox Parishes of America. Links Database

Orthodox Church in America (North America, USA). Private site
Links to the parishes of Albanian Archdiocese (OCA), Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America, Bulgarian Orthodox Episcopate, the Russian Orthodox Church in America, and the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia.
Site languages: Русский, English   Referrals: +0/-14
Added: 08.04.2014, updated: 30.11.2018
Categories: Orthodoxy around the World, Directories, Ratings, Banner Exchange Networks, Webrings
See also: Parishes of Orthodox Church in America, Parishes of Bulgarian Orthodox Church, Parishes of Romanian Orthodox Church, ROCOR Parishes, World Countries
Rating system: 14 (#184)
Page status:
Orthodox Philadelphia
Orthodox Church in America (North America, USA). Official website
With the blessing of His Grace Bishop Tikhon of Philadelphia, exists as a resource to foster increased awareness of the mission, ministry, sacraments, outreaches, and festivals of all the Orthodox parishes in Philly, and to facilitate interaction among the faithful of its parishes.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-13
Added: 06.01.2013
Categories: Parishes of Orthodox Church in America, Orthodoxy around the World
See also: Parishes of Romanian Orthodox Church, Parishes of Serbian Orthodox Church, Parishes of Patriarchate of Antioch, Parishes of Ecumenical Patriarchate, ROCOR Parishes, World Countries
Rating system: 13 (#287)
Page status:
New York City Deanery
Russian Orthodox Church outside of Russia (ROCOR), Восточно-Американская епархия (North America, USA). Official website
ROCOR news, first hierarch, diocese, deanery, news, video, articles, and contacts.
Site languages: Русский, English   Referrals: +0/-9
Added: 31.12.2014, updated: 18.02.2019
Categories: Deaneries
See also: News, ROCOR Parishes, World Countries
Rating system: 9 (#584)
Page status:
Orthodox Churches of Central Florida
North America, USA). Private site
Orthodoxy in West Central Florida, churches by county, addresses and contacts.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-9
Added: 22.01.2015
Categories: Orthodoxy around the World
See also: Parishes of Orthodox Church in America, Parishes of Serbian Orthodox Church, Parishes of Patriarchate of Antioch, Parishes of Ecumenical Patriarchate, World Countries
Rating system: 9 (#675)
Page status:
Representation of the Russian Orthodox Church to the European Institutions
Russian Orthodox Church (Western Europe, Belgium). Official website
News, articles, documents and statements related to the official contacts of the Russian Orthodox Church with the European Parliament, European Commission and other structures of the European Union.
Mirrors and alternative site versions:
Site languages: Русский, English   Referrals: +0/-8
Added: 12.03.2004, updated: 26.02.2019
Categories: Orthodoxy around the World, Synodal Organizations
See also: Websites in World Languages, Church and State, Politics, World Countries, The Orthodox Church
Rating system: 8 (#718)
Page status:
Orthodoxy in America. Russian Missionary Portal of the Orthodox Church in America
Orthodox Church in America (North America, USA). Official website
General information on Orthodoxy, life of Orthodox parishes in North America, serving the Russian-speaking population of North America. Addresses of Orthodox parishes all around the country, contacts of Russian-speaking priests. Information on the Russian Orthodox Church outside of Russia and parishes of the Moscow Patriarchate.
Site languages: Русский, English   Referrals: +0/-8
Added: 10.12.2009, updated: 18.06.2018
Categories: Orthodox Web Portals, Orthodox Church in America
See also: Calendars, Names, Russian Orthodox Church outside of Russia (ROCOR), World Countries
Rating system: 8 (#787)
Page status: Orthodox Parishes in Switzerland
Western Europe, Switzerland). Private site
A website covering the entire spectrum of canonical Orthodox parishes in Switzerland. Provides addresses and details of Orthodox parishes and places of worship in Switzerland.
Site languages: English, Deutsch, Français, Italiano   Referrals: +0/-7
Added: 04.04.2004, updated: 19.04.2019
Categories: Orthodoxy around the World, Databases, Dictionaries, Information, Search
See also: World Countries
Rating system: 7 (#913)
Page status:
Orthodox San Diego
North America, USA). Official website
A website for all Orthodox churches in San Diego to post service schedules and events. Sponsored by the Eastern Orthodox Clergy Council of San Diego.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-6
Added: 23.03.2015, updated: 24.03.2015
Categories: Orthodoxy around the World
See also: Parishes of Orthodox Church in America, Parishes of Serbian Orthodox Church, Parishes of Patriarchate of Antioch, Parishes of Ecumenical Patriarchate, World Countries
Rating system: 6 (#1427)
Page status:
Representation of the Russian Orthodox Church in Strasbourg
Russian Orthodox Church (Western Europe, France). Official website
Official site of the representation of the Russian Orthodox Church in Strasbourg.
Site languages: Русский, English, Français   Referrals: +0/-5
Added: 31.01.2006, updated: 25.06.2018
Categories: Orthodoxy around the World
See also: Church and State, Politics, World Countries
Rating system: -
Page status:
Diocese of Sourozh. Russian Orthodox Church in Great Britain and Ireland
Russian Orthodox Church, Diocese of Sourozh (Western Europe, Russia). Official website
Parish websites. Diocesan directory and calendar. Cathedral of the Dormition & All Saints, Ennismore Gardens, London. Cathedral newsletter. Forthcoming events. News archive. Liturgical texts. Summer camp. British saints. Orthodox links.
Site languages: Русский, English   Referrals: +0/-5
Added: 28.01.2001, updated: 18.02.2019
Categories: Dioceses
See also: Summer Camps for All Ages, Foundations of the Orthodox Faith, Saints, World Countries, Orthodox Faith
Rating system: -
Page status:
Orthodox London
Western Europe, Great Britain). Official website
A central portal to find out about Orthodox Christian events for young people in the London Area. Open to all Orthodox Christians and those interested in Orthodoxy. Calendar, classes, Bible studies, talks, English language liturgies and links.
Site language: English   Referrals: +0/-4
Added: 30.06.2015
Categories: Orthodoxy around the World, Youth Organizations
See also: Parishes of Patriarchate of Antioch, Parishes of Ecumenical Patriarchate, World Countries
Rating system: -
Page status:
Maria Obhut Kirche, Düsseldorf

Russian Orthodox Church, Берлинскaя и Германская епархия (Western Europe, Germany). Official website
Russische Orthodoxe Kirche in Deutschland (Moskauer Patriarchat). Berliner Diözese der Russischen Orthodoxen Kirche des Moskauer Patriarchats. Die Geschichte der Maria Obhut Gemeinde. Orthodoxes Christentum in Deutschland. Foto, Gottestdienstplan.
Site languages: Русский, Deutsch   Referrals: +1/-14
Added: 25.07.2006, updated: 28.07.2018
Categories: World Countries
Rating system: -
Page status:
Russisch-Orthodoxe Kirche des Schutzes der Allerheiligsten Gottesmutter in Oldenburg
Russian Orthodox Church outside of Russia (ROCOR), Diocese of Germany (Western Europe, Germany). Official website
Nachrichten, Gottesdienste, Kontakt und Impressum.
Mirrors and alternative site versions:
Site languages: Русский, Deutsch   Referrals: +1/-14
Added: 06.05.2015, updated: 08.06.2018
Categories: World Countries
Rating system: -
Page status:
Russische Orthodoxe Kirchengemeinde der Hl. Großmärtyrerin Barbara zu Krefeld

Russian Orthodox Church, Берлинскaя и Германская епархия (Western Europe, Germany). Official website
Informationen der Russisch-Orthodoxen Kirchengemeinde zur der Hl. Großmärtyrerin Barbara zu Krefeld, Berliner Diözese des Moskauer Patriarchats der Russisch-Orthodoxen Kirche. Gottesdienstplan, Kontakt, Adresse, unser Glaube, Kalender, Links.
Site languages: Русский, Deutsch   Referrals: +1/-7
Added: 12.03.2013, updated: 03.04.2017
Categories: World Countries
Rating system: -
Page status:
Kirche „Hl. Maria von Ägypten” in Tübingen
Russian Orthodox Church outside of Russia (ROCOR), Diocese of Germany (Western Europe, Germany). Official website
Gottesdienste, Neuigkeiten, Gemeinde, Geschichte der Gemeinde, Hl. Maria von Ägypten, Kleriker, Kontakte, Predigten, Kalender, Links.
Mirrors and alternative site versions:
Site languages: Русский, Deutsch   Referrals: +0/-12
Added: 15.12.2010, updated: 24.02.2019
Categories: World Countries
See also: Sermons, Saints, Orthodox Faith
Rating system: -
Page status:
Orthodoxe Gemeinde Hl. Christophorus, Moskauer Patriarchat, Mainz
Russian Orthodox Church outside of Russia (ROCOR), Diocese of Germany (Western Europe, Germany). Official website
Die Seite der Gemeinde des Moskauer Patriarchats der Russischen Orthodoxen Kirche in Mainz. Leben des Heiligen Christophorus. Was ist Orthodoxie? Gottesdienste und Gesprächskreise. Bildergalerien.
Site languages: Русский, Deutsch, Georgian   Referrals: +0/-12
Added: 22.04.2003, updated: 30.09.2018
Categories: World Countries
Rating system: -
Page status:
Orthodoxe Gemeinschaft „Hl. Apostel Paulus”, Stuttgart

Russian Orthodox Church, Diocese of Germany (Western Europe, Germany). Official website
Orthodoxe Christen aus verschiedenen orthodoxen Gemeinden in Stuttgart (Russen, Griechen, Deutsche, Serben, Bulgaren u.a.), die den innerorthodoxen Kontakt, mit dem Segen unserer Priester, verbessern wollen.
Mirrors and alternative site versions:
Site language: Deutsch   Referrals: +0/-12
Added: 15.06.2012, updated: 04.01.2014
Categories: Foundations of the Orthodox Faith, World Countries
Rating system: -
Page status:
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